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Bike computers and accessories

There is no one who wouldn't like to boast about the number of kilometres covered during their weekend biking trip. However, controlling that is not that simple - even now in the era of smartphones. It may happen that you will forget to open the right app, and there will simply be no trace of the kilometres travelled. To remedy this problem – there is a bicycle computer mounted on the bicycle's handlebars. With such a simple device you will always know how fast you are moving, how many kilometres you have travelled, and what time it is. Simultaneously, you will not be afraid that your smartphone will accidentally break on the road.

However, some bike computers are also complex devices that will allow you to do much more than count the kilometres travelled. These are bike computers that, thanks to the appropriate accessories, can count how fast you pedal, monitor your heart rate, or measure the power you put into the bicycle's propulsion. Thanks to such extensive capabilities, these solutions are intended for avid cyclists, amateurs and professionals, but even an ordinary cyclist will feel some benefits of having a bike computer.

Bike computer accessories that are worth equipping include a cadence and heart rate sensor. However, you must first make sure that the model of your device supports these facilities!

Bike computer with heart rate measurement

Do you consider riding a bike as a complement to your diet while taking care of your build? A bike computer with heart rate measurement will help you with its special strap worn on your chest, allowing you to accurately measure the number of calories burned.

Bike computer with power meter 

The power meter is currently the most often chosen device for people with a very ambitious approach to cycling. It allows you to very precisely calculate how hard you work on the bike, calculate the training zones with high precision, and plan your training to prepare for specific races.

If cycling is more than just spinning the bike's crank and going from point A to point B, you should equip yourself with a bike computer and pair it with a power meter. With it, your training will reach new heights and you will always be ready to compete for the highest positions.

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